Volume 25 (2023)
Volume 24 (2022)
Volume 23 (2021)
Volume 22 (2020)
Volume 21 (2019)
Volume 20 (2018)
Volume 19 (2017)
Volume 18 (2016)
Volume 17 (2015)
Volume 16 (2014)
Volume 15 (2014)
Volume 14 (2012)
Volume 13 (2011)
Volume 12 (2010)

English Standard Summary Title: J. Anim. Pro.

Publish Order: Quarterly Journal of Scientific Research

 Publication Language: Persian with English Abstract

Average Review Time : 5 Weeks

Acceptance Rate: 47%

Initial review timeframe: 7 days

Type of Review: Double Blind

Publication status: Open access to all articles


  • The Journal of Animal Production is one of the leading journals in the field of animal and poultry sciences in the country. Since 2010, this journal publishes research and review papers in the areas of animal and poultry science, bees, feed technology and livestock products in Persian with a extended abstract in English and Persian.


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Correlation between productive life, clinical mastitis and somatic cell score with linear type traits in Holstein cows: A meta-analysis study

Soraya Rafiee; Ali Sadeghi-Sefidmazgi; Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani; Hasan Mehrabani Yeganeh

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 387-403


  Objective: Linear type traits are recorded for some reasons in dairy cattle. Cows might reach to a high length of productive life and milk yield based on their ideal scores of type traits. In the dairy industry, type traits have indirect economic values due to genetic correlation with production, reproduction, ...  Read More

Evaluation of agricultural yield, and morphological, chemical, and nutritional characteristics of vetches and fodder pea compared to Alfalfa hay

Jaber Khani; Ali Assadi-Alamouti; Mojtaba Yari; Elias Soltani

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 419-434


  Objective: Climate change has intensified research efforts toward replacing alternative forages for traditional sources used in the diets of ruminants. In Iran, water scarcity has severely limited alfalfa cultivation during the past decade, despite that it has been traditionally fed as a main portion ...  Read More

Effects of thyme and cinnamon essential oils on fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Holstein feedlot calves fed with high concentrated diets

Behzad Khorrami; Seyed Alireza Vakili

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 435-445


  Objective: Cattle are the major reservoirs of the pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli O157:H7, and approximately 30% of feedlot cattle shed E. coli O157:H7. Feedlot calves are fed high concentrate diets in order to increase feed efficiency. It has been reported that populations of E. coli O157:H7 were ...  Read More

The effect of different levels of corn steep liquor replaced for soybean meal on feed intake, rumen fermentation characteristics and blood parameters of lactating Dalagh ewes

Maghsad Sahneh; Abdolhakim Toghdory; Taghi Ghoorchi; mohammad asadi

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 447-459


  Objective: The nutritional value of corn industrial products is very important and it is one of the valuable sources of organic materials for industrial usage. Starch, animal feed, sugar syrup and oil are extracted from corn in starch factories. Residues from food industries are among the industrial ...  Read More

Effect of castration on growth performance and carcass and meat quality attributes of Marzhoz goat kids

Reza Naseri Harsini; Farokh Kafilzadeh; Mojtaba Haghighat

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 461-476


  Objective: Castration is one of the management activities practiced worldwide in order to reduce aggressive behaviour, sexual activity and to facilitate management ease. Numerous studies have been conducted comparing production efficiencies and carcass traits of intact and castrated beef cattle and sheep. ...  Read More

The effect of thyme powder and dietary protein levels on growth performance, physiological responses and meat quality of broiler chickens

Alireza Valizadeh; Ali Khatibjoo; Hassan Shirzadi; Mahdi Soltani

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 477-491


  Objective: Recently, the inclusion of phytogenic feed additives in poultry for the purpose of supplementing gut health and positively impacting performance has received a great deal of attention and concern. Thyme is used in poultry nutrition in the form of herbal feed additive as it is known that its ...  Read More

Identification of genomic regions associated with the litter size in Murcia-Granadina goats based on selection signature

Hossein Mohammadi; amir hossein khaltabadi farahani

Volume 26, Issue 4 , February 2025, Pages 405-417


  Objective: Over the last decade, interest in detection of genes or genomic regions that are targeted by selection has been growing. Identifying signatures of selection can provide valuable insights about the genes or genomic regions that are or have been under selection pressure, which in turn leads ...  Read More

Soaked straw and alfalfa utilization in dairy cattle ration
Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2010, , Pages 37-50

  The effect of feeding of soaked barley straw on milk production and composition and rumen characteristics was studied. The degradability of soaked barley straw (for 24, 48 and 72 hours) and unsoaked barley straws were studied in the first experiment. The unsoaked barley straw had more readily degraded ...  Read More

The effect of dietary Curcumin supplementation on testicular histology parameters in aged broiler breeder roosters
Volume 20, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 487-498


  The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary Curcumin supplementation on histological parameters of testis in aged Ross 308 broiler breeder roosters. A total of twelve 48-week old broiler breeder roosters in a completely randomized design were randomly assigned to four treatments ...  Read More

Determination of optimum levels of energy and protein in grower diet of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)
Volume 15, Issue 1 , July 2014, , Pages 1-10


  In order to determine the optimal levels of energy and protein in grower diet of Japanese quail, 360 dayold Japanese quails were used in a 3×3 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments that comprised threelevels of metabolisable energy (2750, 2850, and 2950 Kcal/kg) and three levels of crude ...  Read More

Association study between some of biometric traits and IGF-I gene exon 1 polymorphism in Moghani sheep
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2012, , Pages 21-30


  The current study was designed to estimate the frequency of IGF-I gene 1 polymorphism and investigate if their polymorphisms have association with biometric traits in Moghani sheep by PCR-SSCP method. For this purpose, a number of 100 sheep were randomly chosen from Moghani sheep Jafarabad, Moghan breeding ...  Read More

Study of polymorphism in myostatin gene in Chaal, Zel and Zandi Iranian sheep Breeds
Volume 13, Issue 1 , September 2011, , Pages 33-40

  Myostatin (MSTN), also known as growth and differentiation factor-8 (GDF8), is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-?) superfamily that decreases growth in mammals. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the myostatin (GDF8) 3'UTR of OAR2 has been known as responsible for muscular ...  Read More

Effect of non-steamed flaked barley with milled barley on performance, nutrition behavior, fecal score and blood parameters of Holstein suckling calves

Ghasem Khadem; Taghi Ghoorchi; Abdolhakim Toghdory; Katayoun Mehrani; Kamel Amozadeh Araee

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 August 2024


  In order to investigate the use of non-steamed flaked and milled barley in Holstein suckling calves, 12 suckling female calves with an age of about 20-25 days and an average initial body weight of 44±2.7 kg were used. This research was conducted for 35 days with two treatments and six replications. ...  Read More

The effect of adding Galangal (Alpinia Officinarum) powder and probiotics on carcass characteristics, blood cell population, caecal bacteria population and ileum morphology tissue of Japanese quail under heat stress conditions

Maryam Mahmoodinejad; Bahram Shohreh; Zarbakht Ansari Pirsaraei; Soheil Yousefi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 February 2025


  Objective: The use of probiotics and medicinal plants as growth stimulants and alternatives to antibiotics in broiler diets helps prevent the growth of harmful intestinal bacterial, including coliforms, enhances resistance to pathogens, promotes the synthesis of antioxidants and antibacterials, stimulates ...  Read More

The evaluation of iron oxide, zinc oxide and aluminum oxide nanoparticles on the pre-parasitic stages of ruminants Trichostrongylid nematodes

sara larki; alireza alborzi; javad jamshidian; Fatemeh Madankan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 February 2025


  Objective: Due to the development of resistance to common anthelmintic drugs, researchers are looking for efficient and cost-effective ways to combat parasitic infections. Nanoparticles are currently used for biomedical applications due to their nanoscale size and high reactivity. Given the high prevalence ...  Read More

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