Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor

2 , Department of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of probiotic and peribiotic supplements on performance of Holstein dairy cows. For this purpose, 40 Holstein dairy cows with daily milk production of 33 ± 0/8 kg and initial weight 700 ± 40 kg were divided into four groups in a completely randomized design. The experimental treatments consisted: 1- control group (basic diet) 2- probiotic group (base diet + 4 gr probiotic per head per day) 3- prebiotic group (base diet + 14 gr perbiotypes per Ross per day) 4- Synbiotic group (base diet + 4 gr probiotic + 14 gr perbiotic per head per day). The results of this experiment showed that there was a significant difference between the average duration of chewing, rumination and eating among different diets (P <0.05). The most duration of chewing, rumination and eating belonged to the group that consumed probiotics and had a significant difference with other groups (P <0.05). Probiotics consumption increased the amount of daily milk production, milk production with 3.5% fat and milk production with 4% fat, and a significant difference (P <0.05) with the control group (basal diet without additive). Feed efficiency increased in supplementary rations and resulted in a better performance of probiotic diets. Health indicators, consistency and fluidity of stool in supplementary diets have also improved.


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