Maryam Harsini; tahereh mohammadabadi; hosein Motamedi; Mohsen Sari; Asadolah Teimouri Yansari
effect of these bacteriaon the performance of fattening lambs, digestibility, fermentation and blood parameters. Thirty Afshari male lambs with an average weight of 32 ± 3 kg and age of four months were used in a completely randomized design. The experimental treatments included diets containing ...
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effect of these bacteriaon the performance of fattening lambs, digestibility, fermentation and blood parameters. Thirty Afshari male lambs with an average weight of 32 ± 3 kg and age of four months were used in a completely randomized design. The experimental treatments included diets containing wheat straw processed with four bacterial strains isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of horse (Paenibacillus polymyxa L11, Paenibacillus polymyxa L12Enterobacter cloacae L2 and Escherichia coli Z2) for 6 weeks; and the control treatment. The results showed that bacterial processing increased crude protein and decreased NDF, iNDF and ADF content, as well as increased organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) of wheat straw compared to the control. The highest amount of OMD and ME was assigned toL11. Apparent digestibility of DM, NDF and ADF, concentrations and ratios of ruminal volatile fatty acid (VFA), ruminal pH and ammonia nitrogen were affected by bacterial processing. The highest nutrient digestibility was assigned to the L11 and and the lowest amount was assigned to the control treatment. The lowest amount of ruminal ammonia nitrogen was observed in L11 treatment. Bacterial treatments increased total VFA, propionate concentration and decreased rumen acetate concentration. According to the results, processing of wheat straw with cellulolytic bacteria isolated from the horse's gastrointestinal tract (especially L11) improved nutritional value of wheat straw. Therefore, it seems that bacterial processing can be a suitable strategyfor better use of crop by-product with low nutritional value.
Mohammad Reza Ghorbani; tahereh mohammadabadi; Hadis Mirzaei
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of processed date pit on broiler performance. In this experiment, 280 broiler chicks were used in a completely randomized design with seven treatments and four replicates. The experimental treatments were: 1- control (diet without date pit), 2- ...
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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of processed date pit on broiler performance. In this experiment, 280 broiler chicks were used in a completely randomized design with seven treatments and four replicates. The experimental treatments were: 1- control (diet without date pit), 2- 10 percent raw date pit, and treatments 3 to 7- were 10 percent date pit that processed with steam pressure, NaOH, and fermented with Lactobacillus fermentum, Bacillus subtilis, and Aspergillus niger respectively. The crude protein content of processed date pit was higher, and the ether extract content was lower (exept NaOH) than raw date pit (p < 0.05). The feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and cecal microbial population of broiler chickens were not affected by experimental treatments. The small intestine length of birds that fed diets containing processeddate pit with steam pressure and NaoH was significantly reduced in comparison with birds resived diets containing fermented date pit with Aspergillus niger and without date pit (p < 0.05). The highest amount of litter dry matter and lowest amount of excreta ash was observed in groups fed diet containing raw date pit (p < 0.05). According to the results of this study, the processing methods of date pit has no effect on broiler performance and cecal microbial population. Therefore, due to the high cost of processing, and the favorable effects of feeding raw date pit on broiler litter quality, the use of raw date pit in broilers diet is recommended.
tahereh mohammadabadi; Khalil Mirzadeh
This research was conducted to investigate the effect of processing sesame straw with low steam pressure, sulfuric acid and enzyme mixture on digestibility and ruminal fermentation, protozoa population, rumination and some blood parameters of Arabi sheep. Twelve sheep were fed with control diet (without ...
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This research was conducted to investigate the effect of processing sesame straw with low steam pressure, sulfuric acid and enzyme mixture on digestibility and ruminal fermentation, protozoa population, rumination and some blood parameters of Arabi sheep. Twelve sheep were fed with control diet (without sesame straw), diet containing sesame straw processed with 2.4 % sulfuric acid and low steam pressure at 130 °C for 120 minutes and 3 gr/kg DM enzyme, diet containing sesame straw processed by sulfuric acid and enzyme and diet containing sesame straw processed with water. The dry matter and organic matter intake, daily gain, feed conversion, apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, NDF and ADF did not differ between treatments.The processing did not affect ammonia nitrogen, pH, and rumen protozoa species of sheep. Chewing, rumination and resting times were different between treatments and the greatest rumination time (491.67 minutes per day) was for processing with acid and enzyme (P<0.05). The eating, rumination and chewing time for dry matter, ADF and NDF, and blood glucose and urea of sheep were not different. Therefore, according to results of this experiment, sesame straw processed with water, processed with sulfuric acid and low steam pressure and enzymes and processed with acid and enzyme can be used at the expense of wheat straw in the sheep nutrition.
tahereh mohammadabadi
In this experiment, the effect of oak kernel on digestibility, rumen fermentation and some blood parameters of Arabi sheep and Najdi goat were investigated. In this research, oak kernel (63%) was used for feeding six Arabi sheep and six Najd goats with the mean live weight of 50 ± 3 Kg for 28 ...
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In this experiment, the effect of oak kernel on digestibility, rumen fermentation and some blood parameters of Arabi sheep and Najdi goat were investigated. In this research, oak kernel (63%) was used for feeding six Arabi sheep and six Najd goats with the mean live weight of 50 ± 3 Kg for 28 days, and digestibility and fermentation, rumination and some blood parameters were measured. Obtained data were analyzed in split plots design. The results showed that dry matter intake and digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber were not affected by treatment and type of livestock. Regardless of the type of livestock, dry matter intake and crude protein digestibility in control treatment was significantly higher and regardless of the type of treatment, the digestibility of dry matter and neutral detergent fibre of goat was higher than sheep (P<0.05). The ammonia nitrogen and pH of rumen between control and oak treatments for goats and sheep was almost the same. Time to eating, rumination and chewing for dry matter, NDF and crude protein between control and oak diets in sheep and goats was not different. Feeding the livestock with oak had no significant effect on the amount of blood glucose, urea nitrogen, cholesterol and triglycerides in sheep and goats. The results of this experiment showed that 63% oak fruit could be used in diet of Najd goat and Arabi sheep.
parviz ordouny; khalil mirzadeh; tahereh mohammadabadi; mohammad bojarpoor
To evaluate the effect of different levels of wild pistachio leaves on liver enzymes, bloodparameters and performance indicators of broiler chickens, 192 one-day old Ross 308 broiler chickens in the completely randomized design, including 4 treatments, 4 replicates and 12 chicks (both sexes), per ...
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To evaluate the effect of different levels of wild pistachio leaves on liver enzymes, bloodparameters and performance indicators of broiler chickens, 192 one-day old Ross 308 broiler chickens in the completely randomized design, including 4 treatments, 4 replicates and 12 chicks (both sexes), per experimentalunits were used. The experimental treatments includedrationscontaining levelsofzero (control), 1, 2, and 3 percent of wild pistachio leaf powder. The results of this experiment showed that effect of wild pistachio leaf on feed intake and daily gain significantly reduced compared to control treatment in the initial period (P˂0.05), but feed intake and daily gain were not significant in the growth period and total period.The feedconversion ratio was not significantly affected (P > 0.05). The effect of experimental treatments was not significant on AST and ALT, but the ALP enzyme was significantly reduced by the experimental treatments (P˂0.05). The amount of glucose, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol of serum were not significantly affected. The effect of experimental treatments on triglyceride and LDL cholesterol serum reduction was significant (P˂0.05). According to the results, wild pistachio leaf can be used as an additive plant with reducing feature on liver enzymes and triglyceride and LDL cholesterol in poultry diets.
babak masouri; somayeh sallary; heshmatollah khosravinia; saleh tabatabaei vakili; tahereh mohammadabadi
This study was carried out to examine the effect of supplementation of canola and fish oils (5% fish oil, 3% fish oil + 2% canola oil, 2% fish oil + 3% canola oil and 5% canola oil) and Satureja khuzistanica essential oils (SkEO) (0 and 400 mg/kg), into a basal diet on productive performance, meat cholesterol, ...
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This study was carried out to examine the effect of supplementation of canola and fish oils (5% fish oil, 3% fish oil + 2% canola oil, 2% fish oil + 3% canola oil and 5% canola oil) and Satureja khuzistanica essential oils (SkEO) (0 and 400 mg/kg), into a basal diet on productive performance, meat cholesterol, lipid stability and certain blood lipid components in broiler chickens raised under normal and heat stress conditions during day 22 to 42 of age. The experiment was conducted in a 4×2×2 factorial expriment using 640 one-day-old Ross 308 chicks in a completely randomised blocks design with 5 replicates of 8 birds in each replication. Oil source significantly decreased FCR, serum LDL and cholesterol content in thigh and breast muscles at day 42 of age. Inclusion of 400 mg/kg SkEO in diet significantly increased daily weight gain and decreased cholesterol content and TBARS concentration in thigh and breast muscles in heat stressed chicks. Heat stress condition significantly decreased FCR and increased TBARS as well as cholesterol content in breast muscle and serum cholesterol concentration during day 22 to 42 of age. It was concluded that supplementation of 400 mg/kg SkEO and canola oil into diet could have a positive effect on productive performance and reduce the meat and serum cholesterol concentration in broiler chicken.
Shahin Nasimi Esfahani; Morteza Chaji; Tahereh Mohammadabadi; Mohammad Bojarpour
The digestibility and fermentation parameters of the diets containing leaf, pod and seed of the Subabul tree in sheep was determined by using two steps digestion and gas production (GP) methods. The experimental diets consisted of 0.0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of the leaf, pod and seed of ...
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The digestibility and fermentation parameters of the diets containing leaf, pod and seed of the Subabul tree in sheep was determined by using two steps digestion and gas production (GP) methods. The experimental diets consisted of 0.0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of the leaf, pod and seed of the Subabul tree that were replaced with alfalfa in diets of sheep. Diets containing 50 percent seed of the Subabul had higher GP compared to the control diet (P<0.05). The highest true digestibility of organic matter in Subabul leaf was belonged to diet contains 100 percent leaf. The diet contain 100 percent had the highest partitioning factor (PF) and microbial biomass efficiency (P<0.05) compared to other levels of the Subabul pod. The digestibility of DM, NDF and ADF of diets contain the pod of the Subabul tree for all levels were less than control (P<0.05). There are no significant differences between digestibilities of NDF and ADF of diets contain up to 75 percent the leaf of the Subabul tree and others diets. Digestibility of DM, NDF and ADF was more than control diet (P<0.05) by increasing the amount of the seed of the Subabul tree in the diets (75 and 100 percent of the seed of the Subabul). According to the results, the leaf and seed of the Subabul can be replaced up to 100 percent with alfalfa in the diets of sheep without any negative effect on fermentation and digestion. The nutritional value of sheep diets can be improved by replacing the alfallfa with Subabul tree seeds.
Iran Khodadadi; Tahere Mohammadabadi; Morteza Chaji; Mohsen Sari
This experiment aimed to investigate the effect of (zero, 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg Atriplex forage) malva sylvestris on digestibility and microbial fermentation of Atriplex in one-humped camel. Fermentation parameters by gas production technique and in vitro digestibility by two-stage digestion were measured ...
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This experiment aimed to investigate the effect of (zero, 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg Atriplex forage) malva sylvestris on digestibility and microbial fermentation of Atriplex in one-humped camel. Fermentation parameters by gas production technique and in vitro digestibility by two-stage digestion were measured by two years old female fistulated camels. Addition 40 and 60 mg/kg malva sylvestris increased gas produced from Atriplex forage (P<0.05). Gas production rate constant didn’t affect by malva sylvestris (P>0.05). Addition malva sylvestris (60 mg/kg) to Atriplex, significantly decreased partitioning factor, microbial biomass, the efficiency of microbial biomass and organic matter actually degradable (P<0.05). Addition of Malva sylvestris 40 and 60 mg/kg were significantly reduced medium pH (P<0.05). The compared with control the highest ammonia-nitrogen concentrations was for treatment containing 20 mg/kg malva sylvestris (11.37 mg/100 ml) (P<0.05). Also this treatment had the greatest NDF digestibility comparison to control (P<0.05). Adding malva sylvestris in 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg to Atriplex increased the protozoa population at 12 and 24 in comparison to control 48 h incubation (P<0.05). Species of Diplodinium camli, Diplodinium maggi, Epidinium ecudatum and Eudiplodinium maggi in treatments containing malva sylvestris were the highest. In conclusion, high fermentation malva sylvestris increase digestibility and gas production of Atriplex in one-humped camel diets.
Zeinab Yousefi; Tahereh Mohammadabadi; Morteza Chaji; Mohammad Bojarpour
This experiment was conducted to investigate the digestibility and fermentation parameters of diets containing flower, pod with seed and leaf of siris in sheep by two-step digestion and gas production methods. The experimental diets were including zero, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of Siris flower, pod ...
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This experiment was conducted to investigate the digestibility and fermentation parameters of diets containing flower, pod with seed and leaf of siris in sheep by two-step digestion and gas production methods. The experimental diets were including zero, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of Siris flower, pod and leaf. The result showed that gas production potential of diet containing 50 percent leaf was greater than other treatments (P<0.05). Gas production rate of diet containing 75 percent flower showed significant increase compared with the other diets (P<0.05). Partitioning factor, microbial biomass, biomass efficiency were the greatest for diets containing 100 percent leaf and different levels of pod (P<0.05). Dry matter digestibility of diets including different levels of siris leaf, 50 percent siris flower and 25 percent siris pod and neutral detergent fiber digestibility of diets including different levels of siris flower and 25 percent Siris pod were higher compared to control diet (P<0.05). The lowest concentration of ammonia nitrogen was belonged to diets containing 100 percent leaf and pod of Siris (P<0.05). It could be concluded that Siris leaf, flower and pod with seed of siris can be used instaed of alfalfa in sheep diet and increase digestibility and diet ruminal fermentation.
Rohollah Ebrahimi; Tahereh Mohammadabadi; Mohsen Sari; Somayeh Sallari; Mohammadjavad Zamiri; Mohammadtaghi Beigi Nassiri
In order to investigate the effect of different levels of silymarin (0, 100 and 200 mg/kg diet) onperformance, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and antioxidant status, 120 day-old chicks wereassigned to 3 treatments with four replicates and 10 birds in each in a completely randomized design.Results ...
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In order to investigate the effect of different levels of silymarin (0, 100 and 200 mg/kg diet) onperformance, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and antioxidant status, 120 day-old chicks wereassigned to 3 treatments with four replicates and 10 birds in each in a completely randomized design.Results showed supplementation of 200 mg silymarin significantly decreased the body weight gain(BWG) in starter (P<0.05) and whole period of experiment (P<0.01) and significantly increased feedconversion ratio at starter (P<0.05), grower (P<0.05) and total rearing periods (P<0.01). Also, addition of100 mg silymarin significantly increased the carcass relative weight (P<0.01) and supplementation of 200mg silymarin significantly increased the breast relative weight (P<0.05). Furthermore, 200 mg silymarinsignificantly increased the malondialdehyde and heterophil/ lymphocyte ratio and significantly decreasedsuperoxide dismutase (P<0.05). These results showed that supplementation of silymarin in diet undernormal condition, improved the carcass and breast relative weight, but no had effect on bird’s oxidativestatus.