Document Type : Research Paper


Young Researchers and Elite Club ,Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Effects of castration of male Morkhoz kids on quality characteristics of biceps femoris muscle and tissues composition of thigh were studied based on a completely randomized design (2 treatments and 4 replicates). Sixteen males were fed for 119 days and kids in the second treatment were castrated one week prior to the adaptation period. Results showed that muscularity in the femur region was significantly higher in the control (intact) group (P<0.05). Morkhoz kids castration decreased moisture and increased fat percentages (P<0.05). Castration significantly increased palmitic acid percentage and declined total desirable fatty acids percentage and (C18:0+C18:1)/C16:0 ratio in intramuscular fat of the biceps femoris muscle (P<0.05). Results showed that Morkhoz kids castration, with respect to the amount and composition of fatty acids, wouldn’t be compatible with human health.


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